A free Python editor that combines the strengths of blocks and text programming into frame-based editing: write Python code in your browser with structured support.
Or code for micro:bit (v1 & v2).
Strype is a frame-based editor for Python. Frames look like this:
In Strype all code is a frame: a draggable rectangle. The code above has three frames: the while, and the two function calls. Where a frame sits in the structure determines its indentation, so you never have to type or delete spaces to manage indentation. Brackets are always inserted as pairs, so it is impossible to have mismatched brackets in Strype.
Strype runs in your browser, without needing to download or install anything. In the browser there is console support (for input() and print()), plus Turtle graphics. There is also support for writing microPython code for the micro:bit, with support for running the code direct from the browser.
Strype allows you to import your existing Python files, or export to Python so you can use existing programs or transfer your code to other tools. (Currently, Strype supports many Python features, but object-orientation is not yet supported.) You can load and save your Strype files from/to your local drive, or from/to Google Drive.
The short video below takes you through the main Stype features in under 3 minutes:
We have created a discussion forum for you to connect with us and with other Strype users. It is a place to get your questions answered about Strype: how to use it, how to teach with it, and to share your experiences and thoughts on what you'd like to see added in future.
Strype was developed by the K-PET group at King's College London, under the supervision of Professor Michael Kölling. We also make several other successful programming tools:
BlueJ is an educational integrated development environment (IDE) for Java which employs the "object first" approach to learning of object-oriented programming. Widely used by many institutions around the world.
Greenfoot is educational software that allows easy development of two-dimensional graphical applications, such as simulations and interactive games, through Java programming.